Tilt World’s Nicole Lazzaro (Interview) Putting Emotion Into Game Play

Sept. 2, 2016 Update Adding a few recent finds along these lines of 'putting emotion into game play' like "Shelter, Paws" and other empathy based critter care games to edge towards seeding compassion for all creatures great and small caring for wolf pups and badger babies, instead of fantasy Pokemon Go creations. Also, here's a recently funded Kickstarter called Junior … [Read more...]

Meaningful Media for Father’s Day: My Daddy Taught Me To…

June 13, 2010 One week from Father’s Day and media is awash with ubiquitous tie and techie ads for Father’s Day finds. Meh. Better ideas? Experiential fun for memories in the making... How would YOU fill in the blank, “My Daddy Taught Me To…?” It’s no secret I’m a water rat and an island girl who spent much of childhood splashing in the surf or sprawled on one of Hawaii’s … [Read more...]

Peace, One Day. September 21. Reach And Teach.

Sept. 21, 2009: United Nations International Day of Peace. (Not that you could tell from the Google icon which is marking HGWells' bday, ahem.) Ways for kids to 'imagine all the people...?' Show them the wings of hope with peace doves soaring high, conveying that the power of youth is global. (My hero, JGI’s Roots & Shoots) Look how much fun the Sprouts of Hope kids … [Read more...]

Doodle 4 Google National Winner: Hope For A New Beginning

May 21, 2009 Earlier this spring I wrote about the history of the cool and everchanging logos on the Google homepage delighting us all…including my favorite salute to Seuss. Yesterday it was about Ida, the 47 million year old fossilized dinosaur...(though some at LiveScience are saying “Idaknow-about-this" ancestry-missing link bit…) Today it’s about resurgence, renewal and … [Read more...]

Coen Brothers Ad For Clean Coal Air Freshener

Feb. 27, 2009 Not sure how many kids will tune into a :30 TV spot created by Academy Award-winning directors Joel and Ethan Coen doing a riff on Air Fresheners to “come clean about dirty coal,” but it’s sure easy for kids to ‘get it’ that there's an elephant in the living room. (isn't he cute? He's not in the ad, I found him on GumTree in London, but he makes the point, … [Read more...]