The Invisible Boy: A Kids Storybook That Taps A Universal Nerve

Update Dec. 24, 2015 We're about to volunteer at a children's homeless shelter doing activities with kids and it reminded me about this post and how I've 'seen so much invisibility' over the holiday season particularly. From social shunning and  ostracism within families, to homeless and disenfranchised groups, the holidays bring out a lot of invisibility...keep an eye out with … [Read more...]

Tips For Handling A Real Life “Sue Sylvester From Glee”

Update: April 2, 2013 Given Mike Rice's conduct berating players at practice captured on cam and sent all over the social media airwaves w/Rutgers news today, I have to reprise this post to remind that this DOES happen at the high school and club level on teams as well, as I can attest to firsthand. Despite life skills and tips from the Positive Coaching Alliance, I've … [Read more...]

Quaking Kids and Headline News: How Much is Too Much?

Oct. 29, 2012 Update: Nice reminder on talking tips to quell anxiety about Hurricane Sandy, from the Child Mind Institute.  Mar. 14, 2011 When I was a child living in Japan through the 8.0 Tokachi-oki earthquake, I remember coming out of hiding to find my pet goldfish had vanished (found across the room under my dollbed weeks later, having sloshed out of the bowl from the … [Read more...]

Raising Authentic Girls: Rachel Simmons’ “Be You! The Real Girl Tour”

August 31, 2010 “Be you!” Riiiiight. In a media environment that cynically exploits how to act, what to wear, why to buy and who to be, girls are repeatedly told to "be themselves." GirlsHealth has a perky “Be healthy. Be happy. Be You. Be Beautiful” site. Girls Inc is “inspiring girls to be strong, smart and bold.” Jess Weiner is "Creating A Nation of Confident … [Read more...]

Standby: Real Life Has Usurped My Digital World

Jan. 26, 2009: I’m feeling very “First lady-ish” right now, since Michelle Obama recently described herself as "first and foremost . . . Malia and Sasha's mom." Likewise, Shaping Youth begins at home, and I’d be full of hooey if I didn’t believe my digital persona should take a backseat to my real life responsibilities both personally and professionally. Once upon a time, … [Read more...]