New Media Men Teach Mainstream Media About Fatherhood

June 20, 2010 In honor of Father’s Day, we’re interested in deconstructing roles portrayed through mainstream media in the hopes that sensationalized headlines will 'catch up' to the reality of new media/new reinventions of manhood to see how they compare and contrast to life’s own “reality shows” in today's homes. Examples? Dismissive missives like the Atlantic's 'Are … [Read more...]

Dad’s Day Media: A Boy Needs Rules! Walker Lamond Says So

June 19, 2010 “Let’s get some things straight before I get old and uncool.” This is Walker Lamond’s 'dad-to-be' premise awaiting his son, who arrived shortly after publication... “Rules for my Unborn Son” is a simple distillation of thoughts to be a ‘good man’ some of which you'll agree with, others which could merit a 'meh,' (submit a rule on the blog) but with media's … [Read more...]

Predatory Practices as Sport? Boys to Men & Swaggerfests

June 15, 2010 Forget the fact that my freshman daughter is friends with JV football guys… ...Or that digital reputations flinging about on social media (FB, Formspring, etc) warn of male ‘players’ and females being ‘played’ with reckless, feckless inaccuracy bordering on slanderous distortion (this seems to mirror many school’s virtual stage, reflecting more performance art … [Read more...]

The Perfect Gift for a Man: Reinventing Manhood (Book)

Dec. 9, 2009 And now for the GOOD news! Yesterday for I wrote about ‘boys being turned into monsters’ with toxic marketing proliferation about what it means to be masculine, rolling out narrowcast perceptions and gender roles thinner than a crepe. Today, meet 30 men who donated their stories, time and talent to author The Perfect Gift for a Man: 30 stories about reinventing … [Read more...]

Turning Boys Into Monsters: Energy Drink Leaves A Foul Taste (Again)

Dec. 8, 2009 It’s Tuesday, time for our weekly “Packaging Boyhood” focus, so what better time than the holiday season to sound the 'red' siren on the 'green' brand that tween and teen boys are sucking up to...Monster energy drink. With everything from motocross and macho madness to the thumping, screaming, ‘over the top’ rebel yell, Monster ‘packs a vicious punch’ by … [Read more...]