Media Unplugged: Clamping The IV Digital Drip (Pt1)

Dec. 14, 2015 Update Don't miss this Wall Street Journal article, "Is your Doctor Getting Too Much Screen Time? which is a huge patient/service complaint and a disconnect especially among seniors navigating health care systems often being told to do things online when they are not even conversant in that "language." It's a digital health "epic fail" on the transition tactics … [Read more...]

Kids’ Prime Time TV Health Cues Ingested, For Better or for Worse

Dec. 28, 2016 Adding this MediaShift article on using comedy to impart serious science/data/facts as well. With an incoming administration that has no 'use' for reality or facts, it's imperative that media literacy advocates serve strong doses of health, science and eco-literacy into the media stream to combat propaganda and political 'RealityTV' trash, aka "fake news."    … [Read more...]