Nature Rocks: Reconnecting Families With Nature

June 5, 2009 It's World Environment Day...where you can Twitter for Trees, and 'green your routine' and engage in all kinds of green media pursuits and still miss the meaning of getting kids OUTSIDE... As one of my heroes, Last Child in the Woods author Richard Louv said, “We have an entire generation of ecokids that can “click for a cause” but still not know what poison ivy … [Read more...]

Congratulations to the 2009 Digital Media and Learning Winners!

April 15, 2009 No, it was not me. Remember this post about kids coping skills and resiliency? Same song, second verse. The MacArthur Foundation and HASTAC folks will announce 2009 winners tomorrow to the world, but here’s a sneak peek of who won which ironically, I had just stumbled upon yesterday and sent to my research associate Rebeca Montealegre Boyte who was outbound to … [Read more...]