Green Toys and Fun Finds With Big Kid Appeal: Ten Under $10 Pt. 2

Dec. 23, 2009 Shhhhhh...I'm snagging one of the new "Smencils" that just arrived today 'cause I figure 'less is more' and 'variety is the spice' when it comes to stocking stuffers...She doesn't need a whole 'set' right? A whiff here and there and she'll get the gist of the theme...100% recycled newspapers turned into a rainbow of scents and colors. I like finding inexpensive … [Read more...]

Doodle 4 Google National Winner: Hope For A New Beginning

May 21, 2009 Earlier this spring I wrote about the history of the cool and everchanging logos on the Google homepage delighting us all…including my favorite salute to Seuss. Yesterday it was about Ida, the 47 million year old fossilized dinosaur...(though some at LiveScience are saying “Idaknow-about-this" ancestry-missing link bit…) Today it’s about resurgence, renewal and … [Read more...]