Archives for January 2008

Youth-Led Ideas for Worldchanging: Go Overboard!

...And snag $1000 while you're at it! Girl Overboard author Justina Chen Headley, in partnership with Youth Venture ("Dream it. Do it.") and Burton Snowboards are set to receive kids' concepts on how THEY want to commit to change and spark improvement in their own interest areas for action-based, passionista, youth-led innovation. I love this "Go Overboard" challenge grant … [Read more...]

Let’s Show How Positive Social Media Works!

2-1 Update!! Looks like she did it! Beth, you are absolutely AMAZING... Final 24 hour countdown! I'm going to place the bullseye on Beth Kanter's targeted cause for Cambodian kids, to put positive media to use by asking ALL our readers, (particularly parents, academics and educator bloggers) to show how social networking can make a HUGE difference in the lives of these … [Read more...]

Corporate Blunders Are A Dime (Bag) A Dozen…

C'mon now folks, Target goofed with their 'talk to the hand' Web 2.0 media message, but they're FAR from flying solo in poor choices... In another “what were you thinking?” moment of kids' marketing gaffes d’jour, Hershey has only now just decided to stop producing its new form of ICEbreakers Pacs, “nickel-sized dissolvable pouches with a powdered … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth’s New York Times e-Interview, Verbatim

Since I’m too swamped to post right now, dealing with flamethrowing yahoos missing the point of my original post altogether and now reacting to the New York Times article, I’ll simply post my verbatim comments (sent with a high degree of reticence to the NYT reporter's request) and deconstruct the nuances when I can breathe a bit. So here ya go: "Just the facts, … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth’s Gross Out Game for Good Nutrition

Just returned from Champions for Change, the state summit for a healthier California, and picked up some positive validation that Shaping Youth’s reality show games are on target in the solutions-based arena of obesity intervention. Our nutrition pilot, “Dare to Compare: A Gross Out Game for Good Nutrition” echoes the core concepts and research reflected by … [Read more...]