The Age of Conversation is not only upon us, it’s within us, and it’s coursing through my veins. Some of us are so passionate about this dialogue and excited about finding ‘intelligent life’ in the blogosphere that we simply can’t hush!
When marketing gurus Drew McClellan and Gavin Heaton announced they were spearheading a collaborative eBook uniting 100 marketing pros to share our collective knowledge for charity, it was just too perfect.
When I discovered ALL proceeds of the book would be donated to Variety, The Children’s Charity, it completely sealed the deal!
Playwright George Bernard Shaw once said, “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”
To me, that’s what collaborative creation is all about. My chapter title?
“Mommy, why is that lady licking a beer bottle? Ethics & Accountability in Advertising.”
I’ll be joining 100 other authors in this amazing eBook of marketing musings, sharing expertise on mobile, social media, gaming, branding, viral and more…As you can see by this live link list of contributors on the next page—the conversation age is living large!
It may sound a titch like I’m “sleeping with the enemy” on this one, since I might be sharing the book with a cadre of experts engaged in the very tactics that I’m counter-marketing…But I have a very good feeling about this.
Open-source collaboration by its very nature severs any notion of “them vs. us” misnomers and representation of a one-sided monologue.
As with any open-source endeavor and global conversation, you don’t know the folks personally, but you GET to know them through dialogue.
So far, my confidence is solid that these particular marketers have a conscience attached to their credibility, and words worthy of examining in depth.
For starters, my participation in the eBook routed via Becky Carroll a “customer centric” marketer and mom, who reads Shaping Youth.
She read my article about harmful ambient advertising to kids, and continued the conversation on her own blog, opening up various points of view and probing further into the marketing accountability question.
Second, I sent Drew & Gavin to Shaping Youth for a look-see, so they’d clearly know where I’m coming from; no surprises there…
Their brainpower is what’s fueling this collaborative eBook beastie, so they must feel it’s fair that my topic merits a mention. I see librarians and various youth-oriented voices landing in the mix so I’m clearly not the lone wolf nonprofit media maven.
And third? Ethics in advertising needn’t be an oxymoron! Our industry is filled with highly creative sharpshooters as well as opportunistic sharks.
Many want to join in achieving change toward a massive media mindshift and healthier worldview…I’m hoping this book will put me in touch with even more of them! Innovate. Educate. Collaborate.
As I read through the links and topics that fellow contributors are weaving into this tome, I’m honored to be among them. Looks like it’ll be a short, snappy read through a diverse lens.
Here’s a sneak peek of these interesting eBook co-authors, and a few words about Variety, The Children’s Charity to wrap up.
The Age of Conversation: This one looks like a doozy!
Valeria Maltoni
Emily Reed
Katie Chatfield
Greg Verdino
Mack Collier
Lewis Green
Ann Handley
Mike Sansone
Paul McEnany
Roger von Oech
Anna Farmery
David Armano
Bob Glaza
Mark Goren
Matt Dickman
Scott Monty
Richard Huntington
Cam Beck
David Reich
Mindblob (Luc)
Sean Howard
Tim Jackson
Patrick Schaber
Roberta Rosenberg
Uwe Hook
Tony D. Clark
Todd Andrlik
Toby Bloomberg
Steve Woodruff
Steve Bannister
Steve Roesler
Stanley Johnson
Spike Jones
Nathan Snell
Simon Payn
Ryan Rasmussen
Ron Shevlin
Roger Anderson
Bob Hruzek
Rishi Desai
Phil Gerbyshak
Peter Corbett
Pete Deutschman
Nick Rice
Nick Wright
Mitch Joel
Michael Morton
Mark Earls
Mark Blair
Mario Vellandi
Lori Magno
Kristin Gorski
Krishna De
Kris Hoet
Kofl Annan
Kimberly Dawn Wells
Karl Long
Julie Fleischer
Jordan Behan
John La Grou
Joe Raasch
Jim Kukral
Jessica Hagy
Janet Green
Jamey Shiels
Dr. Graham Hill
Gia Facchini
Geert Desager
Gaurav Mishra
Gary Schoeniger
Gareth Kay
Faris Yakob
Emily Clasper
Ed Cotton
Dustin Jacobsen
Tom Clifford
David Pollinchock
David Koopmans
David Brazeal
David Berkowitz
Carolyn Manning
Craig Wilson
Cord Silverstein
Connie Reece
Colin McKay
Chris Newlan
Chris Corrigan
Cedric Giorgi
Brian Reich
Becky Carroll
Arun Rajagopal
Andy Nulman
Amy Jussel
AJ James
Kim Klaver
Sandy Renshaw
Susan Bird
Ryan Barrett
Troy Worman
Now, A Word About Variety, The Children’s Charity
They don’t call it ‘the media circus’ for nothing.
As a writer and branding gal, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the “Heart of Show Business” logo origin, as well as the world leaders, and history behind this tent-themed big top of entertainment industry barkers.
Here’s the International Variety, Children’s Charity link to their “circus” terminology, all about their 50 “tents” in 14 countries, and their positive connection with show business and kids.
They’ve raised over $1.5 billion for children around the world. Here’s the U.S. chapter, er, make that “tent” linked here)
Step right up, and make a difference!
I’m hoping The Conversation Age eBook will…
Stay tuned for publication updates, and the finite title…Deadline just wrapped up today!
Variety, Children’s Charity Circus Terminology From Their Site:
“In 1928, the year-old Variety Club decided to hold a small celebratory banquet on Armistice Day, November 11th in the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A few days before the affair, the guest list increased from 35 to over 75 people and the original party room became too small to accommodate the growth. The only other room available was a three-story high ballroom which held 1100 people. A desire to not lose party-goers in this immense space inspired classic entertainment business improvisation and the area was quickly transformed. A circus tent was pitched in the ballroom complete with a saw dust floor, circus acts, side shows, and a circus barker sketched onto the menu. Pleased with the results and noticing the great connection it had with show business, the 11 members of the Variety Club decided to adopt the circus motif.
The vernacular of the circus is employed in the Variety structure with the Chapters called “Tents” and the members “Barkers.” The Board of Directors of Variety International, their Associations, and Tents, are called “Crews,” as they are relied on to “build” our Tents worldwide. They are composed of the following elected officers:
President — “Chief Barker”:
Calls or attracts people to the Tents
Vice Presidents — “First and Second Assistant Chief Barkers”:
Provide assistance in attracting members
Treasurer — “Dough Guy”:
Literally the “dough” (slang) or “money” guy
Secretary — “Property Master”:
Is responsible for crew needs
Publicist — “Press Guy”:
Handles all publicity and press releases
President Emeritus — “Big Boss”
International Office — “Big Top”
Variety published a bi-annual magazine distributed by the Variety International Office called “The Barker” which highlighted Tent programs and news worldwide. It is now called the “Heart of Variety” magazine. Local versions of “The Barker” are also published by Tents for distribution to its members and supporters.”
P.S. From Amy: I find it particularly appropo that eBook co-founder Drew McClellan serves on the Board of Directors for Variety, The Children’s Charity, and his blog and business card at McClellan Marketing reflects the entertainment tradition…his title simply reads, “Top Dog.”
Nothing like coming full circle in the blogosphere to embrace a brand and make a point. Great idea all around, and so excited Shaping Youth is a part of it all!
So glad you found the ebook through my blog and are contributing! I think you will find all our voices together will make for a great perspective on conversations in this day and age. My chapter is about conversations, the customer experience, and how we address customer needs.
I believe the marketers involved in this project do have a conscience and are using it in many good ways to improve marketing, which will benefit all consumers, kids and adults alike.
I look forward to reading your entry!
PS – the conversation continues on my blog, as I just received a new comment from an agency on the post…
Ethics in ______________ shouldn’t be an oxymoron. (Fill in the blank with any word).
Looking forward to reading your contribution…just beat the deadline with mine.
SHOULDN’T is indeed the operative word there, Steve!
I’m having a ball visiting the links from different marketing brains wrapping their synapses around this eBook dialogue…
Collaboration and variance in voices/views are key for sustainable shifts in the conversation, so I can’t wait to read everyone’s chapters!
p.s. Becky, I just read the agency blog post on your site…you’ve done a great service by furthering this ‘ambient’ conversation! I think it’s going to become a biggie as ‘clutter and ad creep’ create a consumer branding backlash if our industry doesn’t ‘listen to the customer’ and heed our own warning words! Erudite analysis on your blog, thanks!–Amy
Looks like a way interesting book!