If Kids Could Be Dolphins: The Power of Creative Play

When I swam with wild dolphins in Roatan, Honduras, my eco-savvy bro told me to ‘break away from the humans, dive deep, engage their curiosity, and the dolphins will lead the way in play.’ As you can see by this amazing video clip, he was right. As we twisted and turned beneath the surface, free diving at about thirty feet, I realized these masters of play … [Read more...]

“Can I Sit With You?” The Stormy Social Seas of the Schoolyard

Is it a book? Is it a blog? A social media community? This poignant (book and blog) called, "Can I Sit With You?" The Stormy Social Seas of the Schoolyard, is an innovative example of using new media on a mission to further important work by taking a traditional linear book publishing format and turning it into an ongoing Web 2.0 ‘shared experience.’ The title … [Read more...]

Bullying & the Special Needs Child: “You Must Be The New Kid”

Two weeks from today on March 4th, the makers of the now infamous Grand Theft Auto and Manhunt2 adult video games, debut their teen-rated Bully sequel also known as “Bully 2” or Canis Canem Edit (Latin for "dog eat dog"). Rockstar games' Bully Scholarship Edition shows three of the video game trailers on their new site including, “You must be the new … [Read more...]

New Teen Author Helps Peers Understand ADHD

Update 2/18: (Taking the holiday off, will post part two of the series tmrw!)--- Kids DO listen to kids. No secret there. We use this fact in our counter-marketing tactics at Shaping Youth all the time...But what happens when 18-year old Blake Taylor turns the spotlight on himself (see today's S.F. Chronicle article) to debunk myths, elevate the conversation, and turn … [Read more...]

Corporate Blunders Are A Dime (Bag) A Dozen…

C'mon now folks, Target goofed with their 'talk to the hand' Web 2.0 media message, but they're FAR from flying solo in poor choices... In another “what were you thinking?” moment of kids' marketing gaffes d’jour, Hershey has only now just decided to stop producing its new form of ICEbreakers Pacs, “nickel-sized dissolvable pouches with a powdered … [Read more...]