Shaping Youth’s New York Times e-Interview, Verbatim

Since I’m too swamped to post right now, dealing with flamethrowing yahoos missing the point of my original post altogether and now reacting to the New York Times article, I’ll simply post my verbatim comments (sent with a high degree of reticence to the NYT reporter's request) and deconstruct the nuances when I can breathe a bit. So here ya go: "Just the facts, … [Read more...]

What’s A Kids’ Party Without Piles of Presents? EchoAge.

EchoAge. Echo: "One small act of giving can echo around the world" plus Age: "Each year I want to make a difference on the planet" Equals: a meaningful twist on birthdays. Not exactly a whack the pinata and dive for the candy 'gimme mode' moment or frenzied paper-flying present grab flashback...but certainly an alternate view of what's fun. EchoAge is an innovative … [Read more...]

Top 10 Teen Sex Education Videos: You Decide Who Wins!

“Was sex ed at your school a total drag or did you love it? If you could design a whole new system to for teens to learn about sex and its consequences, what would you create?” Advocates for Youth sent me that blurb in a December call for video entries from young people aged 15-30. Two cute lil’ squiggly cartoon sperm were talking to each other, saying, … [Read more...]

Digital Babies & Techno Toys At The CES Sandbox Summit

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, we're privileged to have coverage at the International Consumer Electronics Show Sandbox Summit via MC Milker, who we'll no doubt be hearing more from as she navigates the early phases of motherhood amidst a plethora of new beeping, blipping, (some would say bleeping!) toys and products commanding childrens' mindshare. (hear keynote & … [Read more...]

Taking Aim at Target: Think That V is a CoinkyDink?

The Flickr photographer, Bennett says this billboard is in Times Square, NYC, about 20' x 20'. I'm waiting for a corporate callback with an explanation from a 'Target Team member.' Meanwhile, the universal issue is sexualized ad slop, and how we need to just freakin’ STOP it. The tasteless toddler tee “Hooters Girl in Training” (hat tip to Corporate … [Read more...]