A Shaping Youth Roundup of Kids’ Media/Mktg. Notables

I left my ‘round-up’ ritual back in my editorial magazine days but my au courant colleagues and content partners have worthy ones so I’ll defer to their musings. Ypulse publisher, Anastasia Goodstein posted “Reflections on the year in youth culture” which gets my vote for the most articulate wrap up of four key trends: The ‘totally … [Read more...]

Preteen Podcasts: Media, Middle-school & Growing Up Too Fast

The past few weeks Shaping Youth has recorded some preteen podcasts to hear what kids from public and private schools have to say about body image, celebrity hype, products, brands, teen media and how it all relates to the middle school experience. Yowza. It may not quite be Fast Times at Ridgemont High out there but I’m feeling quite Jurassic about the 'wannabe world,' … [Read more...]

Celeb pop culture & media tipping point of toxicity

R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Aretha earned it. Lindsay wants it. Paris lacks it. Beyoncé & Britney had it, hit some high notes, then vamped it away.Our media culture is so fraught with ‘trashy party girl’ celebrity coverage and peekaboo wardrobe malfunctions papering the blogosphere, it’s no wonder kids’ behavioral cues are getting fouled up beyond recognition.What goes into kids’ minds … [Read more...]

The nature of tweens: Wired worlds & outdoor ed

Update 2013: National Parks Traveler reports NPS is considering adding Wi-Fi. This is a classic point/counter-point debate in terms of perpetuating the disconnect with nature or 'bridging' worlds w/safety-GPS techno tethers as modern day carabiners. Weigh in w/your thoughts? Here's more from Children and Nature Network. (Original Post 2006/Tweens and "Outdoor Ed") … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth through Nature: Media, Unplugged.

Apr. 5, 2014 Update: I am experiencing a "Hoot" moment firsthand watching a bulldozer move to our final open space of green wetlands here in San Mateo, home to my favorite egret who I've watched feed and frolick for 15+ years...It's uncanny that the movie has me in full "movement" mode, with an old environmental impact report of 2007 and neighbors shoulder shrugging 'the … [Read more...]