Green Scene Needs Digital Convergence for REAL “Power Shift!”

This month, green globetrotters trying to "do good things for the planet" have been leaving ‘carbon footprints’ all over the flippin' country flying to conferences hither and yon... Suggestion? Go virtual, folks. 5000 green teens descended on Washington D.C. for the national youth summit on climate change called Power Shift. (a project of Energy Action … [Read more...]

One Laptop Per Child: Give One, Get One Goin’ Fast!

The pop-up antennas look like little Shrek Horns to me, but they serve a vital purpose on this One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) nonprofit green machine called the 'XO'...Those little rabbit ears can transmit educational 'umphf' to kids in developing countries with a bounty of e-books, internet access, video/music and a world of knowledge...all with sturdy simplicity. (video PSA … [Read more...]

Project Vote Smart: Youth Hub For Critical Thinking Skills

"A people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power that knowledge gives." --- President James Madison Love it. Says a lot to me, for despite all the techno-hype on e-gizmos, when it really comes down to it, intelligent voters need more than Vote-A-Matic, the latest MOPocket mobile voter text, a trendy Twitter application or blips of video clips … [Read more...]

Planting Earthseeds Via The Magic School Bus: Eco-Media for Kids

Awhile back we wrote about Shaping Youth Correspondent and children's media consultant Ashley, who specializes in kids' TV with an experienced eye toward all things green... Ashley wrote a great post deconstructing the potential 'greenwashing' of Dora's adventures with an octopus trashing the sea, and though I love splashing kids with an eco-message early on, I too fear it … [Read more...]

Misguided Media: Space Station History Takes A Backseat to Britney?

"The Right Stuff" vs. the wrong media coverage...when will it ever end? As history was made with Retired Air Force Col. Pamela Melroy steering the shuttle Discovery in for docking in a 215-mile-high linkup with International Space Station Commander Peggy Whitson, I had to find it on page eleven of my morning newspaper. Yep. Two female commanders breaking boundaries in … [Read more...]