Bloggers Who Make You Think: Link Tag & Viral Media

Shaping Youth was pinged for a Thinking Blogger Award by FrugalMom, as one of those ‘blog tag’ viral games where you name your five faves and link to significant influencers in your blogosphere. This is a perfect example of digital media AND marketing, so I’ll bite, and pass around a few little nibbles to nosh on. I splash around in numerous puddles, from … [Read more...]

Selling Healthy Kids Cuisine Via Product Presentation

Presentation is everything. How many times have we heard that in advertising? This Happy Lunch Haiku site of photos proves marketers are missing an opportunity to sell healthier choices to kids. As a child I lived in Japan for 2 ½ years, and the presentation of “edible art” never ceased to amaze me. (admittedly, I also have fish head flashbacks from … [Read more...]

Hot Digital Dog! Virtual Pets, Animal Avatars & Fun Sims

This is Max II, (the sequel) admittedly not a virtual dog. MaxII is a very real pup entering the life of one of my dearest friends, Brett Montana, who runs The Pet Staff, an award-winning dog walking, training and pet-sitting service in the L.A. area. Brett keeps me apprised of "tails" in Hollywood circles and tempers my reaction to all the wild and wacky pet trends in … [Read more...]

“See Jane Speak:” Gender, Race, & Kids’ Media

Ready to take on the Madison Ave. media machine? We are! Shaping Youth is honored to have been selected to lead our Squashing Stereotypes interactive workshop for teens at Mind on the Media in New York this June! Shaping Youth joins leaders in the field of advertising and media (including our fave folks at Dove Campaign for Real Beauty) to deconstruct media messaging, … [Read more...]

Web 2.0’s Fun Forward: “The Machine is Us!”

Ever try to explain the phrase Web 2.0 in a digital sound bite? This brilliantly fun little 4-minute video from professor Michael Wesch of Kansas State University does the trick. This digital ditty is cultural anthropology at its finest; you can bet Marshall McCluhan would be duly impressed. It captures the power of Web 2.0 in a smart blip of techno-frenzied pace, … [Read more...]