KFC bans trans-fat in chicken: Are they pulling our leg?

My advertising radar blipped with guarded glee when I heard KFC was being wildly applauded as the hero of the hour for ditching their trans-fats in fried foods in favor of a low linolenic soybean oil. KFC’s drive-through banners tout “Feed your family for under $4!” and “Looney Tunes Laptop meals designed just for kids” so my initial take on … [Read more...]

Dove Love, “Daughters,” & Industry Backlash

Can’t get enough of the Dove blitz? You’re not alone. So far, about 9400 replies are posted on Dove’s Self Esteem Forum, plus another 2200 in their site's Body Image forum. There are some raw, jangled nerves out there, particularly the heart-wrenching comments coming from teens. Yeah, yeah, Dove is selling good will along with their soap. So what? Bravo! … [Read more...]

Dove’s surreal beauty: Time-lapsed, ‘must see’ TV

I'm not one to 'forward to a friend' very often, but Dove’s powerful new film is a one-minute click-n-send that I hope you’ll share with every tween, teen, and woman you know who’s been hammered by media & marketing’s distorted messages of unattainable beauty and body image. The light snaps on and cameras roll in time-lapsed frenzy as an … [Read more...]

The nature of tweens: Wired worlds & outdoor ed

Update 2013: National Parks Traveler reports NPS is considering adding Wi-Fi. This is a classic point/counter-point debate in terms of perpetuating the disconnect with nature or 'bridging' worlds w/safety-GPS techno tethers as modern day carabiners. Weigh in w/your thoughts? Here's more from Children and Nature Network. (Original Post 2006/Tweens and "Outdoor Ed") … [Read more...]

Teen Choices: Cecil the Seal, Second Life & “Owning Your C!”

Much like the Verb YellowBall strategy of burying the source and focusing on entertainment, C-ville is counting on kids’ curiosity to captivate in this new cause-marketing virtual city. Since media savvy teens can sniff out a preach-n-teach method a mile away, the state of Colorado is going for a subtle, over-arching theme  for a positive spin instead of … [Read more...]