8-8-08 Beijing Olympics: Using New Media With Decorum

My eco-minded ‘one world, one dream' brother was married on 8-8-88 at 8:08, and though he’s not Chinese, he’s well aware that many people in China believe in the good fortune of number eight, “ba” as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. So Happy 20th Anniversary today Mark & Deb! Here's to joyous days! If today’s 8-8-08 at 8:08 … [Read more...]

MultiTasking for Studious Souls: Flashcards, Mobile, & More

If e-mail and IM is giving way to mobile minutes and 'texting teens' in your house (er, maybe just mine!) take heart, there are a gazillion NEW mobile uses and start-ups that are watch-worthy. As this article in Read-Write-Web conveys, and my own mobile media moments gleaned from the Ypulse mashup ascribe, there's so much shifting to mobile focus it's hard to keep up. … [Read more...]

Beijing Olympics: Will Youth Tune In, Opt Out, or Turn On?

Talk about ‘Good Will Hunting’… If I were a PR person handling the athlete/activist bounce out of Joey Cheek, I’d be mumbling to myself with my head in my hands about now. Just as the world was struggling to ‘turn the other cheek’ and embrace the Olympic Oath in the name of global good will, the Chinese embassy tosses outspoken … [Read more...]

The MySpace Mom Skates, While The Teen Hangs? No Justice There!

Not to get all soapbox-ey, but since we’ve been talking about digital ethics and online immersive behavior a lot lately, I’ve gotta toss this one out there… Yesterday’s MediaPost update on the case of the jilted 13-year old MySpace teen (Megan Meier, at left) who hung herself due to a misguided mom masquerading as online beau Josh Evans (who never … [Read more...]

Why Can’t an A-Lister Be An A-Cup? Keira Knightley, Shaping Youth

It’s World Breastfeeding week and ironically, I just prepped my first post over on Eco Child’s Play as a two-parter on breast obsession in media that creates inherent insecurities ‘leaking’ into kids' psyches. In my case, it’s a first-person account (posting here soon) of small-chested self-doubt in an otherwise solid body image when it came to … [Read more...]