Shaping Youth Via Tapestries of Hope: Go To IndieGoGo!

Last August when Shaping Youth advisory board member and maverick documentary producer/director Michealene Cristini Risley returned from Zimbabwe, she pinged me with a handful of understated words, “Back…quite an experience!” The links told the story…news from and Voice of America about Michealene being arrested, tossed in jail, and … [Read more...]

YPulse Research Launches; Digital Youth Posts Videos Online

Lots happening in the research realm lately, as CSM/MacArthur Foundation’s forum held at Stanford goes online in video format, after being webcast live into Second Life, which I wrote about here. In case you missed the event, Global Kids has posted videos (in 3-parts) on YouTube. Plus, you can read summations of the research "From MySpace to Hip Hop: New Media In the … [Read more...]

The Value of Unstructured Play; Dr. Susan Linn On Tour

An Israeli play group of parents were yakking in Hebrew as their wee ones climbed, crawled and explored the soft mats, cubes and fellow toddlers at Parents Place on the Peninsula. I watched out of the corner of my eye as I met with their staff about Dr. Susan Linn’s Bay Area Book Tour for The Case for Make Believe and was struck by the profound simplicity as the … [Read more...]

Virtual Healing: War Torn Teens Face Reality Post-Iraq Duty

Nov. 11, 2019 Veterans Day Update: More new data on PTSD virtual healing with what's called V-RET, virtual reality exposure therapy and some new VA data on accessibility issues in gaming that help vets heal as well as this specific post dating back on virtual reality being used in young soldiers with PTSD... Also, adding some stats from today's Twitter feed of Tim … [Read more...]

Energy Drinks & Alcohol: A Monster Mix of Madness

Here we go again…Which drinks at left are benign? We’ve been down this road before about market confusion, cardiac cocktails of caffeine and the inherent dangers of energy drinks and alcohol that have once again claimed the life of a teen at a Florida party, so I’m going to update my list of links at the end for everyone to get up to speed (pardon the … [Read more...]