Beyonce’s Deréon Divas: Pop-Tarts & Sesame Streetwalkers

Just as I was thinking I wouldn’t have time to post today because of Shaping Youth’s film screening fund-raiser of Two Angry Moms a chime came into my e-mail from Dr. Robyn Silverman with full coverage of the House of Dereon collection of vamped up tots created by the ‘PopTart Princess’ herself, Beyoncé. Ah, there IS a fairy godmother...As Dr. … [Read more...]

Breaking the Color Code & Princess Power

One of my favorite ‘stereotypes in media’ moments is when I get to use my own background to instill critical thinking skills in teens.At the national Girls For A Change summitfor instance, I had the opportunity to break through race barriers and color codes of perceived expectations by starting off the session asking teens, “Okay, so who was I in high school?” to get the media … [Read more...]

Digital Media in Education: First Annual Sesame Symposium

On Friday, digital education dominated the kidsphere, spanning from my own NextNow collaboratory peer, Claudia L’Amoreaux of Second Life, speaking at the Smithsonian on storytelling and innovation in the metaverse (interview here), to the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop’s first annual symposium on the impact of digital media in educating children. … [Read more...]

Moms Who Inspire & the Non-Moms Who Support Us!

A bouquet of thanks to all of the mothers out there who are sharing their knowledge and tips for making the world a better place for kids, including favorite visionaries and parenting communities... Such as? The bounty of mom bloggers at BlogHer, the EcoMom Alliance, Literary Mama, CityMama, SafeMama, Green Mom Finds, Eco-Child’s Play, Anti-Racist Parent and new … [Read more...]

Childhood Matters: Moms Speak Out On Food and Love

Our ‘sneak preview’ screening of Two Angry Moms was lightly attended in San Mateo tonight, but it was still great to kick around ideas about hands-on solutions to instigate change, especially since so many parents feel like politics overshadows pragmatics in the fight for healthier school lunches. Tomorrow on Childhood Matters, (98.1 KISS-FM, archived as … [Read more...]