Operation Teen Book Drop Supports YA Lit With Street Teams

Never fails…Every time I try to pre-slate a feature it gets bumped to the backburner because something pops up with date-driven, time-sensitive urgency that merits attention. No exception here, as this is too good to pass up, with YALSA and readergirlz using marketing and media tactics to form social community, both online and offline. Thursday, April 17, it's … [Read more...]

Best Practices For Kids Social Media: Profile Settings

How can we help kids’ learn to configure their profiles so they have fun on social media sites, while protecting themselves from needless data-mining, behavioral profiling, ad targeting, spam and such? I wrote about the new plug-in at My Data is My Data.org (just went live today) and rightfully, press buzz and discerning eyes noted that it simply shifts the trust/faith … [Read more...]

“My Data is My Data:” Putting Choice Back into Social Media

My Data is My Data.org is a plug-in for those of us who are not so wild about social media hubs tracking our every move for data-mining purposes like the infamous Facebook Beacon controversy I wrote about in those two posts. Believe me, the irony doesn't escape me that the development of this useful plug-in to bring ‘choice’ back to the internet from vested … [Read more...]

Virtual Worlds Are Still Unwritten: Can We Move Beyond Consumption?

Natasha Bedingfield’s performing in Habbo's teen virtual world April 10th and her hit song ironically correlates to the future of this kids’ digital platform, as she sings, “I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined...I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned.” As the Virtual Worlds 2008 conference wraps up, it’s no … [Read more...]

The Attention Factor Applies to Kids, Celebrities, Spouses

Alice Aspen March was my "celebrity commercial break" in my  Shaping Youth workshop about using the power of media for positive change at last week's CCFC summit, honoring Morgan Spurlock for his hilariously poignant documentary work. I used the entertainment analogy of shifting from 'the dark side' to the bright side (in Darth Vader light-saber style) to address the … [Read more...]