Shaping Youth in SemiFinals for Echoing Green Fellowship

Remember those team tryouts or school elections as a kid where you ended up competing against your best friend and got all flustered? Well, I’m having an ‘echo’ moment here. Shaping Youth is proud to be selected as a semifinalist for the Echoing Green fellowship, an exciting social entrepreneur org that gives seed money to groundbreaking global projects and … [Read more...]

“Ni Hao, Kai-Lan” Chinese Skype, & Mandarin Media

It seems China is finally getting some much-needed positive media coverage, with the official 2008 Beijing Olympics site up, more people using Skype media to learn Chinese with authentic accent integration, and now, some preschool positives to bring Mandarin into the home. Nickelodeon’s diversity programming is enriched with the debut of the "play along, think-along" cartoon … [Read more...]

Will “Big-Thinking” Kids Adopt YouTube for Intellectuals?

High school brought forth some of my most thought-provoking peer to peer dialogue unmatched to this day. AP Honors Students. Brainiacs. SheGeeks. Ponderers. Really interesting global people. I'll probably find some of them on YouTube's new Big Think, which carries the tagline, "We are what you think." BigThink starts by defining what it is and how to use it framed around a 10 … [Read more...]

Top 10 Teen Sex Education Videos: You Decide Who Wins!

“Was sex ed at your school a total drag or did you love it? If you could design a whole new system to for teens to learn about sex and its consequences, what would you create?” Advocates for Youth sent me that blurb in a December call for video entries from young people aged 15-30. Two cute lil’ squiggly cartoon sperm were talking to each other, saying, … [Read more...]

MC Milker Reports on New Digital Toys for Shaping Youth at CES

Shaping Youth continues our series of guest commentary by MC Milker at the Sandbox Summit which wrapped up yesterday in Las Vegas. (full CES media coverage here) Figure I'd better cut to the chase and offer her academic and marketing bio at the end of this piece so you can jump right into browsing the 'new era of play,' what's new in digital content...and see who earned … [Read more...]