Kids’ Digital Creations: Who Owns The Content?

I find it ironic that the WIPO, (World Intellectual Property Organization) wants to educate tweens aged 9-14 about copyright (see 72-page workbook pdf file here) when childrens’ rights are usurped regularly in the digital sphere via user-generated content without shared authorship, credit, or kudos. Shouldn’t kids have the same creative rights/attributions as … [Read more...]

Recut, Reframe, Recycle: What’s “Fair Use” in New Media?

In the new terrain of participatory media, what's fair and what's foul in video mashups? Many of us have laughed our heads off at the "Fair(y) Use Tale" spoofing Disney, but is character appropriation now a free-for-all? When is a remix a ripoff and when is it fair use in public media? When kids boogie to soundtracks in front of their webcams and lip synch themselves into … [Read more...]

Resolution? Put On Your Own Oxygen Mask First.

As parents bombarded with media and marketing messages of idyllic false families, superdad syndrome and mommy myths, sometimes the subliminal tugs for 'perfect parenting' seep deep into our soul...even among media literacy buffs. “Put on your own oxygen mask first” is logical but not always instinctive when it comes to self care. My resolution? Retrain myself … [Read more...]

Wrapping Up The Gift of Time In A Media Package

Dec. 7, 2016 Update: We had our collegiate buddy binge-fest with the Gilmore Girls 'Year in the Life" Netflix Revival this Thanksgiving, so for those mother-daughter pairs who can't get enough of the fast-talking dynamic duo, I'm reprising our hands-on experiential "B&B Inn" themed getaway of wrapping up the gift of time together... We shared it well, so it's coming back … [Read more...]

Tell Me Somethin’ Good…Why Should I Donate Now?

Question: Why is it that all nonprofits surge to the year-end final quarter like the finish line in a horse race trying to glean ‘end of year tax deductions’ and ‘year end recaps of good deeds’…(other than the obvious bank book juggling) Is this really effective? Personally, I’m a bit tapped and spent by years’ end…and the … [Read more...]