Digital Thank Yous & Handwriting Matters: Would Emily Post Pitch A Fit?

Nothing like having kids for a reality check in the age of digital media…I said to my daughter, “Look, I’m no Emily Post, but a thank you note is appreciated no matter what age you are.” “Emily WHO?” Yeah…I thought so...Right up there with ‘Dear Abby’ and other cultural references that fly over her head at lightening … [Read more...]

Last Minute Holiday Cards? Elf Yourself Into the New Year, Until 1/2/08

Ann Handley, one of my fellow co-authors of the Age of Conversation book for Variety, the Children's Charity, has a great lead-in line for the ongoing coverage of this "elf yourself" online holiday blitz. She says, "Know how I know when an online campaign is truly viral?---When my non-geek, non-marketer friends pass it along to me.” Yep. That’s my indicator … [Read more...]

Slimy Santa Innuendo Gets The Heave-Ho-Ho-Ho…

Ho. Used to be a trio of chuckles from jolly ol’ Saint Nick, or the classic 'heave-ho' given to moldly expired fridge food… Lately, between hip-hop lyrics, MTV2 misogyny and Don Imus’ media gaffes we wrote about here, the term's shifted to a noun form, and not even ol' Santa escapes the senseless drek. This latest BuzzFeed won't make your days merry and … [Read more...]

Lessons From Rudolph That Are Shaping Youth…

I’ve been waiting to profile Glenda Watson Hyatt, who inspires me beyond words for her dedication to blogging despite her use of only her left thumb. I met Glenda via Facebook, through one of my Age of Conversation co-authors, and became mesmerized by her clarity of vision to educate the public about cerebral palsy and end the ‘pity party’ with her fabulous … [Read more...]

Hiding Kids’ Veggies for Stealth Health: Good Idea?

Recipe for media firepower: Blend Seinfeld spousal celebrity, add a dash of Oprah media hype, stir in some star scandal, cute kids and a solid nutritional cause, and rocket to the top tier of the New York Times Bestseller list before you can say zucchini. Shaping Youth is always trying to find new ways to get kids to eat greens, live green and curb the cues to spend green, … [Read more...]