The Golden Rule? McDonalds Pays Off Good Grades

Yesterday Ad Age reported, “McDonald's has found a nifty way to reach kids even as TV ad options toward the demographic shrink: Advertise on report cards.” Um…"nifty?" How about subversive? Opportunistic? Manipulative? Hypocritical? Undermining parents' values? Shaping Youth already called ‘em to task for the sour ‘apples and milk’ … [Read more...]

The Big Give: Kiva, Oprah, & the Reality TV Juggernaut

“If reality television is indeed here to stay, its evolution into philanthropic programming is, for this viewer, a welcome one,” writes Kate Golden, E.D./Editorial Chief of Changing Our World in this prescient newsletter, “onPhilanthropy.” Ditto that...In triplicate. But where IS Oprah’s “Big Give?” I've been waiting for a year … [Read more...]

Marketing Mindfulness to Kids: Giving vs. Receiving

There’s lots of seasonal blog fodder about “Taming the Gimmes” (nice pdf download of activities/tips from MediaWise, and ways to "Simplify the Holidays" from New Dream)...And even Shaping Youth's article, "Can Somethin' be done about all this consumption?" But let’s face it... Parents are "people pleasers" too, and when it comes to granting junior … [Read more...]

Virtual Worlds As Learning Environs For Global Kids

Marie Curie once said, "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. " If machinima and avatars are not in your parental lexicon, deep breath, relax...Shaping Youth is out to unfog the lens and peek into virtual teaching and learning on the teen grid of Second Life. Virtual worlds, emerging social media networks, and just about any kids' digital dialogue … [Read more...]

A Smart Television Alliance: Receive A Free TiVo Before Dec. 31st!

“Just because you watch “CSI” doesn’t mean your six-year-old (no matter how brilliant and mature) should, too. As a parent, you instinctively know stuff like that. Unfortunately, broadcasters don’t get it…So what can you do about it? Here’s where the Smart Television Alliance comes in. We're a new coalition of leading nonprofit … [Read more...]