Catalogs: Convenience or Clutter Pile? Now YOU Control the Reins!

TechCrunch reports today that there’s a new free service ready to end your coffee table clutter and green-scene guilt on the catalog front! Say what? Catalog Choice is a sponsored project of the Ecology Center, endorsed by the NWF (National Wildlife Federation) and the NRDC, (Natural Resources Defense Council). They’ve got blog badges to spread the word, … [Read more...]

TV Kids SHOULD Watch…And Produce!

Sometimes you just “click” with a “person, place or thing” that rocks your world in an ‘aha moment’ of “Where have you been all my life?” Such is the case with Shaping Youth meeting up with QuantumShiftTV which holds the promise and vision of so many things we’re trying to achieve here with our fledgling nonprofit. As … [Read more...]

Teens: Shout Out a Rebel Yell For Banned Books, Year-Round!

The creative director in me absolutely LOVES the artistic execution of this “banned book” poster’s clean design and clever word play… The media maven in me is wincing at the notion that some child will log it into cogent memory in some form of accuracy, like “Kute Kids Kuts” or "Krispy Kreme." (since very few children I’ve … [Read more...]

School Fundraising Media Mashup: “Kid Fitness” TV?

Growing up in Hawaii hawking ‘huli-huli chicken’ and “King’s Hawaiian bakery sweetbread” as school fundraisers made me realize that all those yummy smells wafting through the hallways would never fly these days. Candy bars and hot malasadas (those puffy fried fat bombs like a sugar-dipped doughnut) were shamelessly hustled island-wide knowing … [Read more...]

Dove’s “Onslaught:” Media Messages Pummel Girls’ Self Esteem

“Here it comes” alright. I smell another Cannes win here for the Dove team’s short film/viral video efforts. “Onslaught,” a Dove film, conveys the pulsating “in your face” rapid-fire bombardment of beauty cues and media sexualization sent every nanosecond to little kids. Onslaught may do for girls what the “Evolution” … [Read more...]