31 Flavorite Authors For Teens: ReaderGirlz Teams with YALSA!

Shaping Youth last reported on "readergirlz" social media launch this spring when they kicked off their power-packed teen lit site as a mashup of ‘old media meets new media’ striving to keep reading relevant for teens in the 21st century. Readergirlz divas Janet Lee Carey (Dragon’s Keep), Dia Calhoun (Avielle of Rhia) Lorie Ann Grover (On Pointe) and … [Read more...]

Bogus Junk Food Bans & Bait-n-Switch Tactics Proliferate School Policy

Forty-eight hours after I wrote this article about the confusing USDA school guidelines and manufacturers marketing tactics to swap ‘lesser calorie junk’ to replace the worst offenders, today's front page S.F. Chronicle coverage reinforced the absurdity of it all using case study examples of Bay area schools. California has led the way in legislative successes, … [Read more...]

Test Your School Junk Food IQ With This Quick Quiz!

Sublime in its simplicity, compelling in its story, Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has succinctly summed up the USDA nutrition guidelines as gobbledygook by dramatizing the absurdity of what is considered ‘junk food’ in schools. 5 questions. No big time zap. It's a fabulous digital media use, worthy of a few “forward to a friend” … [Read more...]

Packaging Boyhood: Corporate Pirates Raid Boys’ Souls

Evidently "snips and snails and puppy dog tails" are out...Tween preening is in...And pirates are looking for gold... Disney’s September debut of kiddie cologne for boys aged 4-11 in fragrances like Pirates of the Caribbean and Buzz Lightyear is a case in point...The time is ripe to research how Packaging Boyhood is impacting children’s behavioral … [Read more...]

Behind the Scenes With Hollywood Stuntwoman Ann Coccagnia

Note to self: Stuntwomen are not to be messed with in the dark alley of gender inequity. They will kick your keister to kingdom come for media coverage that buys into sexploitation and blow you away with unabashed candor and first person wisdom straight from the workplace trenches. Meet Ann Coccagnia, Hollywood stunt woman, People magazine research pro, athlete, and … [Read more...]