What The Heck IS Machinima, Anyway?

Digital movies made in online virtual worlds seem to be ‘the next big thing’ in youth created content these days. For the uninitiated, machinima (muh-sheen-eh-mah) is filmmaking within a real-time, 3D virtual environment, often using 3D video-game technologies. Check out the Academy of Machinima Arts & Sciences for FAQs and examples, Paul Marino's Thinking … [Read more...]

Danica McKellar, First Honoree For “People Shaping Youth”

When the media and marketing machine work in positive ways to trigger youth enthusiasm, it can skyrocket into a global phenom in a heartbeat. We’ve seen movements take hold and spread like wildfire using the internet as fuel. From disaster relief like ICare and Humanlink to teen blogging projects and virtual videos (Global Kids' amazing year long after-school machinima … [Read more...]

Energy Craze Run Amok: Caffeine Comes to Potato Chips?

“Not recommended for young children,” reads the warning on the NRG Phoenix Fury Potato Chip package. Yep, that’s right folks, news reports confirm a new entry in my ‘yougaddabefreakinkiddinme’ marketing file. Kiddies can now turn their fingertips bright orange like Cheetos, but get zapped with caffeine, B-vitamins and taurine, in new … [Read more...]

Math Celeb Danica McKellar is Exponentially Positive

(Math Doesn't Suck debut: 2007) Shaping Youth is all about using the power of media for positive change, so we’re excited to launch a brand new monthly column focusing on people who are impacting kids favorably! That's right, positive role models for negative times to try to shift the equation.We’ll be sharing this feature each month with YPulse readers, and encourage you to … [Read more...]

Quechup Should Hush Up! Delete, Unopened, Spam Alert!!

Beware!! Cute name and all, as Technorati reveals here, Quechup, the little social media bugaboo has really ticked off marketing professionals and media mavens from all walks of life! I’ve been personally inundated by requests to join and simultaneous apologies and pleas to delete within nanosconds! Multiple pings from social media users go something like this: "Please … [Read more...]