Part 3: Shaping Youth Interviews Carmen Van Kerckhove of Racialicious

Are "white youths happier than others?" Yes, according to this new AP/MTV poll. What do these countless polls and science stats about race even MEAN, anyway? As we continue with the balance of our interview with Carmen Van Kerckhove of Racialicious today, I find it ironic that her blog is featuring a roundup on race theory and ‘pseudo-science’ in this post by … [Read more...]

Ask Danica McKellar About Math, Now Through Sunday!

We interrupt this gender & race media series to bring you a NEWS FLASH from Danica McKellar and crew. Calling all tweens and middle school mathletes! As the author of Math Doesn’t Suck, Danica is blogging this week at her publisher’s site (Penguin Group, USA) and willing to take your questions by pinging her in the comment section! With pre-algebra and … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth Interviews Carmen Van Kerckhove of Racialicious

Prejudice comes in all colors and cultures, with striations even among one race itself. Yesterday at the Back to School debriefing, kids returning from abroad mentioned “race on race” profiling and caste systems that carved up color in slivers of skin tone. Whether it was a ‘hired help’ situation or a local village vibe, race and social theories abound, … [Read more...]

Part One: Shaping Youth Interviews Racialicious on Pop Culture Cues

Racism is a loaded term that sends politically correct media outlets running for cover and well-meaning pundits into shaky quaky territory. It’s no wonder that kids themselves can get confused, for media takes shortcuts to ‘typify’ characters because it’s quick, and easy. We're all aware that when it's reinforced in a daily diet of stereotypes, it can … [Read more...]

Gender, Race & Sexism: Shaping Youth Through Pop Culture Cues

“Women like silent men. They think they're listening,” said Marcel Achard. (circa 1956) And evidently, men like silent women who can bring them a brewski, (circa 2007) per this Ad Age article of 21st century Heineken backwash that makes the Stepford Wives look progressive. (Yes, today we're kicking off our week long series on stereotypes, race, and cultural … [Read more...]