Stargazers & Students: Google Sky & Slooh “Sexy Up” Science!

If Danica McKellar can ‘sexy up math’ then maybe we need to send her into the science realm to get kids jazzed about starpower beyond Hollywood! Google Earth just launched Google Sky this week, (demo here) an amazing virtual observatory that can reveal cosmic events as they unfold throughout the universe. "There’s a huge need to get more young people … [Read more...]

Hey Kids, Your “Energy Drinks” Now Come With Alcohol

We all pick our battles. To me, this is one of them. Rather than dwell on Mojito-flavored chewing gum, or Bacardi Mojito banners and Coors fly-by billboards bombarding our peace at Zuma beach last weekend, or even the absurdity of alcohol glamorama targeting teens with "Cosmopolitan Berry and Margarita Lime Epil-Stop hair remover" in Teen Vogue's back to school issue this … [Read more...]

Eco-Friendly Electronics: Go Green With Your Wired World

It’s ironic that in our youth media culture of “totally wired” teens, eco-enthusiasts haven’t mowed a green path uniting kids’ environmental zealousness with greener gear. The TechSoup blog posts this great new online tool and forum thread which is ultra timely for me, since my laptop LCD screen just fried, and I’m temporarily hooked up to … [Read more...]

High School Musical2: Proving Wholesome CAN Sell (& Sell, & Sell…)

By now you’ve all heard the news about Disney’s record-breaking eyeballs racking up 17.2 million viewers for the premiere of the official HSM2, (hit sequel to last year’s High School Musical phenom which hit #1 on album charts, broke the Guinness World Record for the most successful songs from a single soundtrack, received six Emmy nominations, and spread to … [Read more...]

CCFC’s Susan Linn: $17 billion Spent on Marketing to Kids

We interrupt this High School Musical 2 post (delayed for a day) to bring you an update from Shaping Youth’s latest happenings. Why? Because I said so. That’s right. The parental phrase that seemed to fossilize to near extinction from child-rearing lexicon of yesteryear is being brought back in this blog post…just because I’m ornery. For starters, … [Read more...]