Anti-Racist Parenting Tips; Free eBook for Shaping Youth

“If you’re a parent who is tired of having your child learn about race and identity through the mixing of Neapolitan ice cream, playing dress-up with national costumes, and absorbing the same handful of sanitized historical facts every single Black/Latino/Native American/Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, Anti-Racist Parent is for you,” says author Carmen … [Read more...]

Youth Atwitter On Live Earth Concert 7-07-07

The countdown has begun, to "rock for our rock" tomorrow online via MSN Live Earth. One peek at Live Earth/Twitter and you’ll see youth ramping up for the global 7/7/07 music fest with eco-tips for sustainability in short blips from people around the planet answering, “What are YOU doing to solve the Climate Crisis?” Social media messaging platform Twitter … [Read more...]

Independence Day: A Global Worldview For Shaping Youth

In their holiday hello titled, “experience the 4th” global branding firm Cheskin, now  filled my e-mail with fun factoids and knowledge nuggets to jolt me out of American myopia. As always, this world renown research firm skimmed the layer off superficial messaging and delved deeper into a broad based worldview. It was a solid reminder that ‘we the people’ are … [Read more...]

4th of July Mini Round-Up of Media, Shaping Youth

Remember when games were played rather than viewed; outdoors instead of in? Every year our funky little neighborhood celebrates 4th of July with old-fashioned kids’ lawn games like three-legged races, sack hoppin,’ horseshoes, a water balloon toss and Star Spangled banner salute, run by (you guessed it) yours truly. From this kids' 4th of July book list from … [Read more...]

Maxed Out On Energy Drinks? Pepsi Shouts, “Wake Up People!”

This month Diet Pepsi Max started targeting guys that need to watch their spare tire and want a little extra fizz to keep awake, while yawning at the keyboard. This week it hit store shelves, the FDA tightened guidelines for “dietary supplements,” (herbals, botanicals, amino acids, etc.) and CSPI reported a new study on aspartame cancer risk in rats... … [Read more...]