Misguided Media: Space Station History Takes A Backseat to Britney?

"The Right Stuff" vs. the wrong media coverage...when will it ever end? As history was made with Retired Air Force Col. Pamela Melroy steering the shuttle Discovery in for docking in a 215-mile-high linkup with International Space Station Commander Peggy Whitson, I had to find it on page eleven of my morning newspaper. Yep. Two female commanders breaking boundaries in … [Read more...]

Media Moms, Engineers, DigiGirlz and Purple Tornados at She’s Geeky!

Lots of ‘purple tornados’ of energy swirling around the media environs at the eclectic She’s Geeky “unconference”...as 'firestarters, rainmakers, and project wranglers' shared their expertise. Heather, 'benevolent commander' of The Purple Tornado (and supplier of yummy evil food noted at left) helped organizers Kaliya Hamlin of Planetwork.net … [Read more...]

Practical Tips to Combat Halloween Horrors of “Wicked Innocence”

Update Oct. 25, 2015 Hard to believe I wrote this 8 years ago trying to give "parenting tips to combat the sexualization cues to kids in our culture"' considering society has now dialed down the demographic of sexualization from middleschoolers to wee ones in K-5, in spite of fresh studies on the damage of internalized sexualization and public health harm. Sheesh. The good … [Read more...]

Girls For A Change: The Summit For Passionistas!

Close your eyes & take this pop quiz: What does a woman CEO look like? A female banker? A girl at your school in AP calculus? A biotech scientist shopping at the mall? Did that last one throw you? In a quick snap we’ve pre-set our brains to media myths & formulas, pre-judging with pop culture images & icons. We're proud to facilitate three workshops on … [Read more...]

“People Shaping Youth” Honors Mike Berenstain

If Mike Berenstain of the Berenstain Bears were in a Hollywood pitch session to tell the true story of his family’s cartoon critter creations, it might go something like this: “Once upon a time, before the lovable, shaggy-haired Berenstain Bears clan came to live down a sunny dirt road in Bear Country, their creators, Stan & Jan Berenstain were starting out … [Read more...]