Dove’s “Onslaught:” Media Messages Pummel Girls’ Self Esteem

“Here it comes” alright. I smell another Cannes win here for the Dove team’s short film/viral video efforts. “Onslaught,” a Dove film, conveys the pulsating “in your face” rapid-fire bombardment of beauty cues and media sexualization sent every nanosecond to little kids. Onslaught may do for girls what the “Evolution” … [Read more...]

Behind the Scenes With Hollywood Stuntwoman Ann Coccagnia

Note to self: Stuntwomen are not to be messed with in the dark alley of gender inequity. They will kick your keister to kingdom come for media coverage that buys into sexploitation and blow you away with unabashed candor and first person wisdom straight from the workplace trenches. Meet Ann Coccagnia, Hollywood stunt woman, People magazine research pro, athlete, and … [Read more...]

“She’s Geeky” And Proud Of It!

When is a slur NOT a gaffe? When it’s self-ascribed…I easily self-identify with the geek chic stereotype. In school days I was voted ‘most studious’ but never studied. ‘Outstanding senior’ but never wanted to ‘stand out.’ So when I saw this invitation to participate in an UnConference called “She’s Geeky” … [Read more...]

Part 3: Shaping Youth Interviews Carmen Van Kerckhove of Racialicious

Are "white youths happier than others?" Yes, according to this new AP/MTV poll. What do these countless polls and science stats about race even MEAN, anyway? As we continue with the balance of our interview with Carmen Van Kerckhove of Racialicious today, I find it ironic that her blog is featuring a roundup on race theory and ‘pseudo-science’ in this post by … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth Interviews Carmen Van Kerckhove of Racialicious

Prejudice comes in all colors and cultures, with striations even among one race itself. Yesterday at the Back to School debriefing, kids returning from abroad mentioned “race on race” profiling and caste systems that carved up color in slivers of skin tone. Whether it was a ‘hired help’ situation or a local village vibe, race and social theories abound, … [Read more...]