Nov. 22, 2019 update: Pinstripes will now open officially to the public on Dec. 3, 2019 after their community opener Dec. 2, 2019. Original Post: As the surge continues with millennials making plans online to offline, moving from screens to scenes, the Bay area welcomes Pinstripes! Granted, if Pinstripes were part of a word association game, I’d get the buzzer, because when … [Read more...]
Pinstripes: A Bold Type of Entertainment Hub
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM Tagged With: bistro bowling bocce, bocce ball, bowling, CA, Cal Academy of Science, community gathering places, date night ideas, Digital Detox, gaming, Hillsdale Mall, Italian dining San Mateo, malls repurposed, millennials, multigeneration, offline play, online to offline, parenting digital, Pinstripes, Pinstripes bistro, redevelopment, San Mateo, screen culture, screen free activities, screentime, Social Haus, teens and tweens, The Bold Type, what to do on the peninsula