July 8, 2009 Still focused on "child predator" panic on the internet? I'd focus more on white collar stalkers like Echometrix, ubiquitous in far greater numbers, if I were you. Imagine digital tracking of every pop culture cue and kids' conversation in "real time" mode, self-described in their Echometrix blog as "opinion mining and sentiment analysis," to tap the "$190 billion … [Read more...]
Digital Data Mining 101: Echometrix Takes Kids’ Pulse
Filed Under: Branding & Consumerism, Consumerism, Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Marketing Shaping Youth, Product Placement, Shaping Youth, Vapid Values Tagged With: Amy-Jussel, analytics, Canada.com, child predator panic, commercialism, COPPA, cyberstalking, data-mining, digital privacy, Echometrix, ethics, Family Safe, FamilySafe, FCC, FTC, Gamine-Expedition, healthGAMERS, marketers dream, marketing predators, opinion mining, privacy fault, Privo, Proudfoot, Pulse, Pulse of teen online habits, real time tools, research, safeguards, Sara-Grimes, search data, sentiment analytics, SmartyCard, technology, teen data, teens, teens nightmare, The Pulse, tweens, UGC, YPulse