July 20, 2012 “Some Joker has to ruin it all,” a young ticket holder shaking his head fumed as news of the Batman movie premiere tragedy shot through every media channel from mobile to mainstream. The macabre pun was suitable, intentional or not. From CNN videos and sound reels to a CBS special airing in less than 24 hours we're reminded that media is ambient in surround … [Read more...]
Dark Knight Rises: Resources to Reassure Kids
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Shaping Youth, Viral & Buzz Media Tagged With: American Red Cross, Aurora, Batman, Batman massacre, children media violence, Children Now, childrens fears, Colorado, Dark Knight Rises, Dark Knight tragedy, Dark-Knight, domestic terrorism, Facing Fear, Fear-Mongering, guns, help kids cope, Kids and headline news, kids mental health, mass shootings, media coping tips, media-literacy, neuroscience, nimh, PTSD, real life horror film, school shootings, Talking tips, Talking to Kids About Headline News, talking to kids about shooting, terrorism, Tough topics kids, youth violence, Youth-Media
Quaking Kids and Headline News: How Much is Too Much?
Oct. 29, 2012 Update: Nice reminder on talking tips to quell anxiety about Hurricane Sandy, from the Child Mind Institute. Mar. 14, 2011 When I was a child living in Japan through the 8.0 Tokachi-oki earthquake, I remember coming out of hiding to find my pet goldfish had vanished (found across the room under my dollbed weeks later, having sloshed out of the bowl from the … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Shaping Youth, Viral & Buzz Media Tagged With: 9-11, 911, Center for Media and Childrens health, childrens fears, coddling kids, disaster relief, emotional health, Fukushima, headline news, helping students deal, Japan Earthquake, Kids and headline news, kids coping skills, Loma Prieta quake, media kids and grief, Media-Influence-Kids, media-literacy, natural disasters kids, nightmares, quake resources, reachout, Tokachi-oki, tragedy, tsunami, virginia tech