August 24, 2009 In the category of “why those tedious B2S Emergency Response Forms are imperative” I offer my personal parenting experience from this morning’s pipe-bombing incident with a former student of nearby Hillsdale High now in custody. (S.F. Gate update) Photo at left via KRON4/NBC Bay Area news) 10:13am “This is Kirk Black, Assoc. Superintendent of the San Mateo … [Read more...]
SchoolLoop Digital Voice Alerts Help San Mateo
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Shaping Youth, Viral & Buzz Media Tagged With: 9-11, 911, averting crisis, bomb squad, calm in crisis, children, columbine, digital voice alerts, domestic terrorism, Emergency response forms, emergency technology, evacuation, headline news, HHS, Hillsdale High School, media kids and grief, media-literacy, mobile alerts, mobilization, news, pipe bombing, San Mateo, San Mateo Union High School District, School Loop, school shootings, SMUHSD, Susan Manheimer, teens, terrorism, virginia tech
What Will Kids Learn About Dr. George Tiller? And From Who?

May 31, 2009 When heinous acts of murder shake our nation to its very core, it brings out “the good, the bad, and the ugly” in media coverage, personal dogma and combative demogoguery. Whether it’s terrorism, school shootings, or today’s death of Dr. George Tiller, media has a role to play in curbing violence and handling the outpouring of grief productively. It's … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Growing up too soon, Media Literacy, Shaping Youth, Viral & Buzz Media Tagged With: abortion, abortion controversy, adolescent, assassination, current affairs, doctor, domestic terrorism, Dr. George Tiller, Dr. Tiller, Feministing, grief, Jessica Gottlieb, Kids, late term abortion, media coping tips, media-literacy, murder, news, NOW, pregnancy, pro-choice, pro-life, reproductive health, second trimester, shot in church, slain, talking with kids about news, violent news, youth