Shaping Youth is Expanding: Sneak Peek and Needs Please?

Feb 22, 2011 Breaking into The Power of Play series for a sneak peek into what's occupying so much of my time...expanding Shaping Youth's web presence. No secret that Iā€™m a media maven that's media phobic on the soundbite circuit of talk shows...Also that as a writer/producer I'm more comfy behind a cam than in front of it. So for those who lobbied hard to "go with video, … [Read more...]

State of Our Nation’s Youth Report Released: Teens Up/Down

"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society.  The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute."  ~Gil Stern It’s not often that I heave-ho a bunch of stats and data in your face sans comment, but the 10th State of Our Nation’s Youth report was issued this week by the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans and … [Read more...]

Wrapping Up The Gift of Time In A Media Package

Dec. 7, 2016 Update: We had our collegiate buddy binge-fest with the Gilmore Girls 'Year in the Life" Netflix Revival this Thanksgiving, so for those mother-daughter pairs who can't get enough of the fast-talking dynamic duo, I'm reprising our hands-on experiential "B&B Inn" themed getaway of wrapping up the gift of time together... We shared it well, so it's coming back … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth in the Rockies

I'll be blogging about the wired vs. wayward hiking environs of taking two tweens to the Rockies this past week but am a bit backlogged with content. Whenever you see the airplane icon it means Shaping Youth is on the road or covering issues at various the info-laden Cyber Safety Summit I'll be attending in Sacramento October 18th or Commercial Alert's San … [Read more...]

Parents Action seeks input for school violence summit

With the Amish story remaining headline news, you may want to check in with your children about how their own schools are reacting to this topic, or what they've gleaned from the media messages. I was surprised to hear my daughter's middle school had already addressed 'lock down procedures' which made me wonder what all is being said to whom, throughout the country on school … [Read more...]