HopeLab Launches “Sticky Notes” Blog To Make Their Thinking Visible

May 31, 2009 I know our friends at HopeLab have been active on Twitter and their own Facebook group and use SlideShare and all that, but as I’ve said many a time, microblogging and 140 character sound bites don’t quite get into the ‘deep dive’ I’m seeking when it comes to solutions-based thinking. Richard Tate has just announced HopeLab’s new “Sticky Notes” blog which will … [Read more...]

Film Screenings: ATB Tonight in Marin, Consuming Kids, June 4th!

May 28, 2009 Last night’s screening of America the Beautiful in S.F. at the Clay with director Darryl Roberts for Q&A yielded another 220 ardent ATB fans and helped support About-Face in the process! Tonight Darryl will wow ‘em in San Rafael to benefit Beyond Hunger, an eating disorder recovery org, so don’t miss it!! RSVP here (or just show up at the door!) I'll … [Read more...]

Celebrity Star Power To Benefit Urban Battlefields

May 24, 2009 See this “Tweet” at left? That’s the power of Twitter. Now get this…I’m not even ON Twitter. You heard right. No Twitter account. That means your content can be ‘tweeted’ even if you’re not the one chirping. When I see Twitter’s instantaneous ability to get the word out, whether it’s Sting flying in to perform at Narada Michael Walden’s superstar … [Read more...]

Susan Boyle’s Encore: A “Memory” For Us All

May 24, 2009 Speaking of WorldShapers, as I was researching the 'Twitter updates' on  Narada Michael Walden's mega-Memorial Day music fest for Christopher Rodriguez, I ran across Sheryl Brueker's interview with him, and popped over to her 'Twitter" feed to hear the buzz about the star-studded musicians performing... Lo and behold, as I was doing so, I stumbled upon Sheryl's … [Read more...]

Worldshapers: Women Wired to Make A Difference

May 24, 2009 Passionistas span the globe in all shapes, sizes and countries, and it makes me wonder sometimes if some of us are just ‘hard-wired’ with the 'want to make a difference' gene from the get go. As a GWLN delegate for Women Leaders for the World, I remember sprawling in the social room late at night squeezing in important chats with my roomies from Uganda, Peru, … [Read more...]