She’s The First To Rock For AfricAid! Support Girls Education Worldwide

June 10, 2010 It’s ironic. As schools let out for summer and kids in the US fist-pump with glee that they’re OUT, there are young girls in Africa doing the same thing when they find out they’ve gotten IN to school via scholarship or fundraising to pursue an education. She’s the is all about breaking barriers in developing nations to be ‘the first’ to achieve … [Read more...]

Summer Fun & The War Play Dilemma (+Online Gaming Stats)

May 22, 2014 Adding this article from The Guardian Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare; a non-gamer's guide and Jinny Gudmundsen's Common Sense Media's post, "10 Most Violent Video Games and 10+ Alternatives as it's important to reinforce that Memorial Day is about honoring the fallen in "RL" (real life) vs on a leader board.Critical thinking, parental pre-screening and co-viewing … [Read more...]

Memorial Day Salute: Reverence, Reflection, Resources

May 27, 2024 I can't believe it's been over a decade and now more than ever, this post still holds up. Thinking about my dad today and wondering what he'd think seeing how divisive our nation has become with the January 6th insurrection and the degradation of democracy amidst the tawdry 'reality tv' tripe of Trumpian tactics. It makes me shudder to think how far we've … [Read more...]

Celebrity Star Power To Benefit Urban Battlefields

May 24, 2009 See this “Tweet” at left? That’s the power of Twitter. Now get this…I’m not even ON Twitter. You heard right. No Twitter account. That means your content can be ‘tweeted’ even if you’re not the one chirping. When I see Twitter’s instantaneous ability to get the word out, whether it’s Sting flying in to perform at Narada Michael Walden’s superstar … [Read more...]

Susan Boyle’s Encore: A “Memory” For Us All

May 24, 2009 Speaking of WorldShapers, as I was researching the 'Twitter updates' on  Narada Michael Walden's mega-Memorial Day music fest for Christopher Rodriguez, I ran across Sheryl Brueker's interview with him, and popped over to her 'Twitter" feed to hear the buzz about the star-studded musicians performing... Lo and behold, as I was doing so, I stumbled upon Sheryl's … [Read more...]