New Moon Girl Media: Orb28 Gives Rise to Teen Voices (Part 2)

Ready to tap into the 'inner sphere' of the upcoming teen site Orb28? Continuing yesterday's post about youth media orgs like these ready to put pop culture messaging on a whole new frequency, we'll see what some of the Orb28 Girls Web Editorial Board (at left) have to say about 'what's good for girls'...(also don't miss Patti Binder's blog along these lines!) Orb28 fits … [Read more...]

New Moon’s Rising For Girls Media: Orb28 For Teens 13-15+ (Part 1)

Orb28 Let's see: Orb: "A sphere of influence, a collective body"...28: numeral referring to the moon's cycle...New Moon: lunar phase when the moon orbits between the Earth and the Sun; Moon: a symbol of womanhood... Okay, I'm beginning to get it now...As a name generation gal, I tend to dissect etymology for sport, but I admittedly glossed over New Moon Girl Media as simply … [Read more...]

Media Unplugged: Shaping Youth Off the Grid

As I mentioned earlier in this post, I've been needing to 'unplug' in a big way judging from my "828 unread e-mails" and 7,932 in my inbox. So I'm going to try a little experiment beyond being MEDIA FREE, screen free, computer and cell free... I'm going to be FAMILY FREE. That's right folks. All of you. I'm going off the grid. Today's Friday the 13th, so what better time to … [Read more...]

Peter Coyote Lends His Voice to Dads & Daughters New Video

“Is your daughter more influenced by media images than you'd like her to be?” Um…understatement of the year, here. 73% of dads polled on Dads & Daughters agree. I LOVE Dads & Daughters, for challenging “girl toxic” media culture and putting the importance of male voices into the mix when it comes to how this is all landing on kids. But … [Read more...]

Defending Pretending: The Need for Prominent Play (Part 2)

Update: 6-25: USA Today Interview with Susan Linn here. When’s the last time you unplugged to take time, space, and silence to reconnect with yourself and just play? It’s no secret that renewal and fresh thinking often springs from quiet time, where body and brain can retreat, relax, restore…this goes for kids, too. Dr. Susan Linn writes in her book The … [Read more...]