MySpace for Booklovers: Positive Uses of Social Media

LibraryThing is an online hangout worthy of raves from both parents AND teens, vaulting social networking into one of the most promising, useful and entertaining web applications I’ve seen in quite awhile. It's the literary equivalent of Flickr for photo-sharing or for bookmarks and tags. You can organize your library, rate, review, tag, add friends, meet … [Read more...]

Girls Sports Boosts Preteen Body Image & Self-Worth

Ah, football season, home to toxic media messaging for girls. A time when beer billboards of buxom cheerleaders spill from every corner, “scoring” innuendos abound, and tacky wardrobe malfunctions remain fresh in the mind’s eye. Seems timely to post tips on ways to promote girls’ self-image through SPORTS, since body image and self worth is being pummeled in media and … [Read more...]

Digital media’s helpful “Ask the Expert” forums

The next time you have a random zinger of a question about kids’ behavior, health, food, or challenges, take advantage of myriad online experts in digital media. There’s a wealth of knowledge free for the asking in a wide array of disciplines: Children's mental health. Teen conundrums. Baby sleep issues. Gifted children. Media habits. From children’s … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth with an intelligent vote

How many times have you received a ‘sample ballot’ and groaned at the conniving spins and political backwash to the point where it takes full concentration whether to even check ‘yes or no’ because of the way the dang thing is written? Face it, rather than read the endless ‘rebuttal to argument in favor of xyz’ prose, many busy people now … [Read more...]

Media Savvy Kids & Nature Deficit Disorder

Young kids may be getting media savvy earlier, but many have never seen a campfire or been on a hiking trail, and wouldn’t know a wilderness experience if it bit ‘em on the backside. In fact, a British study akin to the 'Ronald McDonald vs. the President' face recognition phenom where kids could name the clown but not the nation's leader found that 8-year-olds … [Read more...]