Role Modeling Resiliency: How Are Kids’ Coping Skills?

Update April 15, 2013 Don't miss this worthwhile post by Lori Day on 10 Ways to Raise Resilient Kids in Turbulent Times on HuffPo; excellent piece with tips galore; especially fitting for tragic headline news days such as today. Also adding this to my post about natural disasters awhile back: Quaking Kids + Headline News: How Much is Too Much to remind parents of young kids to … [Read more...]

Seeding Virtual Worlds: Kids’ Going Green in Dizzywood Gazebo

Yesterday in my Nim's Island post about integrating eco-values with entertainment, Izzy Neis posted a query in the comment section, "What do you think would make a great example of supporting environmentally friendly causes in virtual spaces without taking over the site’s brand?" I thought about Dizzywood immediately, in one of those forehead-banging moments where I … [Read more...]

Nim’s Island: Shaping Youth Through Imagination & Adventure

“Be the hero of your own story.” Ooh, I’m likin’ this one already…and Nim’s Island doesn’t even open in theatres until Friday. Heads up, eco-educators! This “place where imagination runs wild and adventure rules,” has a standards-based curriculum being rolled out for tomorrow’s half-hour commercial-free Reel … [Read more...]

When Green Gets Jaded: Marketing Hope to Kids

June 5, 2015 World Environment Day"7 Billion Dreams, One Planet, Consume with Care." As the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) challenges dreamers worldwide to participate by pledging their own dreams and thoughts for turning this tanker around, one has to wonder...has the green movement become so jaded that kids will shoulder shrug their 'tomorrows' with resigned … [Read more...]