Vogue “Cadeaux”-Children ARE Gifts. Not To Be Wrapped & Sold

Jan 6, 2011 “You have to separate the art from the artist.” How many times have you heard that turn of phrase relating to everything from hotel smashing rockers and hiphop thuggery to mind-bending visual assaults on the senses from advertising and pop culture? Art is subjective, yes. Actions that harm are not. Let’s be crystal clear people. The latest French Vogue “Cadeaux" … [Read more...]

Letting Go of 2010: Thoughts On Media Messaging

Jan 1, 2011 No secret I’ve been challenged in 2010 on various fronts, and I’m trying really hard to ‘let go’ of some of the frustrations knowing there’s no quick fix for some of the blindingly surreal influences and disruptive crapola eroding kids’ psyches. I'm 'letting go,' to try to see past  Nicki Minaj-style hyper-sexualized cues to instead celebrate the pendulum swing … [Read more...]

A Viral Awww…For Dog Lovers; Shepherding Media Literacy: NULO

Dec 23, 2010 I have ‘holiday head’ which means despite important breaking media news on net neutrality, the FCC, and strong outcomes of public opinion polls involving Do Not Track consumer demands, I’m unapologetically posting a viral ditty about a dog, and label literacy on NULO (NUtrition meets LOve) dog food. Why? Let’s just say I’ve been trying extremely hard to manage … [Read more...]

Rudolph: A Parable On Bullying, Peer Pressure & Soaring High

Dec. 17, 2010 Media madness has hit some new toxic tipping points lately, from sexualized cues for tweens to slink around like a ho-ho-ho (great awareness-raising via this new PTC study) to teen pot use rising after years of decline, and of course the influence of Miley's latest messes surging sales of ‘salvia’ ... Sooooo today I’m (re)running Lessons From Rudolph about … [Read more...]

Social Media Rally For Girls Sports Today

Dec. 8, 2010 Pop-Quiz from our partner org, San Mateo Starlings Volleyball, serving low-income and minority girls age 12-18: Did you know that girls who participate in sports are: ..."92% less likely to use drugs, 80% less likely to have an unwanted pregnancy, far more likely to graduate from high school and attend college, and far less likely to suffer from childhood … [Read more...]