Bratz Movie Seeps Brattitude Into Kid Culture

Two of Shaping Youth's stellar Advisory Board team, Dr. Sharon Lamb & Dr. Lyn Mikel Brown at Packaging Girlhood wrote this fabulous Op Ed about the Bratz Film and its purportedly 'cleaned up' message. They plopped it on their blog, and gave me permission to do the same for our readers as "guest editorial" on the next page. I've written about the toxicity of the Bratz … [Read more...]

Anti-Racist Parenting Tips; Free eBook for Shaping Youth

“If you’re a parent who is tired of having your child learn about race and identity through the mixing of Neapolitan ice cream, playing dress-up with national costumes, and absorbing the same handful of sanitized historical facts every single Black/Latino/Native American/Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, Anti-Racist Parent is for you,” says author Carmen … [Read more...]

Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating for Hands-On Murder Simulation

Update 2013: It's been 6 years since I wrote this piece and my views remain the same; 'corollary vs causation' arguments, context, ratings and research (handy: 25 studies on media violence) STILL remains less of interest to me than the basic 'why are we creating market demand for thrill to kill content in the first place, when we could better spend that money, clout, political … [Read more...]

Childhood Matters; Shaping Youth’s Fatherhood Resources

Update: June 20, 2010 See Fatherhood Friday resource expansion via an excellent tribute to Dads on Chris Singer' blog. Original post: Dads out there, what do you think it means to be a responsible father? Moms, what are YOUR expectations about dads’ role in raising children? Kids, do a ‘shout out’ to dad on the air by calling in to Shaping Youth Advisory Board member … [Read more...]

Media’s Portrayal of Father Figures

June 15, 2017 Update for Father's Day 2017! Author of  "All In," Josh Levs, offers this worthwhile related feature via titled "An Online Battle to Correct the Media About Dads." He also created a handy mythbusting interactive "tool" shining light on facts vs fiction in the pop culture public arena of advertising and entertainment. Clearly dads are NOT "tools" … [Read more...]