April 28, 2016 The dismissive wails from the Twittersphere and social media mavens were almost audible: "Oh please, not another pink and blue gender in the toy aisle post..." To coin a phrase from Part One of the White House convening on Breaking Gender Stereotypes in Media and Toys, "Yes, And..." I’ve been writing about media and marketing’s impact on kids for ten years … [Read more...]
Positive Picks! Progress in Upending Gender Stereotypes
April 3, 2015 by Leave a Comment
May 29, 2015 Update Check out the all new Kickstarter from Gecko Clothing featuring "funky, ethical, organic, unisex" clothes crowdsourcing both the design and the funding! There's a strong sense of urgency with this adorable selection of togs, as this startup has an "all or nothing" timer on their crowdfunding so if you want it to see the light of day in the … [Read more...]