Mar. 29, 2014 Like a teen whose spirited, edgy adolescence evolved toward bold innovation, I’ve watched "grow up" as an organization over time, expanding and emerging into one of the most exciting intergenerational collaborations surrounding youth wellness and technology. Always a favorite for inspiring fresh thinking and preventive digital health problem-solving, … [Read more...]
YTH: Youth, Tech, Health–Shaping Youth Interviews YTH Jamia Wilson
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks Tagged With: #FemFuture, Advocates-for-youth, Apps Against Abuse Challenge, at risk youth, bullying, campus safety, circle of 6 app, crisis text line, Deb-Levine, digital health, diversity and health, domestic abuse, hackathon for health, health apps, health literacy, Health2.0, ihollaback, Internet sexuality information services, Jamia Wilson, media-literacy, mental health, mHealth, millennials, Parenting-Teens, rape culture, reproductive rights, sexed, SexTech, sexting, sexual health, sexuality, street harassment, suicide prevention, support for teens, Tech diversity gap, teen dating violence, Texting4Health, wired youth, young feminists, Youth public health, youth tech health, Youth-advocacy, YTH, YthLive
When Life Goes Sideways: Is There An App For That?
Dec. 14, 2015 Update While digital 'screens' helped me triage many Rx and Dx complications in rural environs, and this remote locale used screens beautifully to bring urban advice into a sepsis situation, the colossal shift of routine data entry usurping one-on-one caregiving with the doctor/patient interaction is extremely distracting and disturbing in just the few short years … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Nutrition & Wellness, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth Tagged With: caregivers, caregiving, consumer centric health, DoubleCheckMD, eldercare, emergency technology, first aid, future of health care, grandparents, Healia, health 2.0 accelerator, health apps, health care, health education, health portals, Health2.0, Healthline, IFTF, kids emergency health, medical advice, medical diagnosis tools, mHealth, mobile apps, mobile health, public health, Pulse and Signal, Rx drug interactions, sandwich generation, senior citizens, symptom checking, TNTY, Triage, WebMD, wellness