What I Learned From Maya Angelou’s Mark Twain Media Moment

May 28, 2014 Update Sadly, this time it is true. Dr. Maya Angelou has died at age 86. Original Post: Oct. 4 2009 "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" is a Mark Twain classic, which this Google research feed shows gets its own share of media morphs and revisions to suit the occasion. The hodgepodge of misinformation on that quote alone exemplifies and keenly … [Read more...]

A Challenge: Love Yourself. Share Your Story. Find Beauty.

Happy Valentine’s Day dear readers! Like my 'Luvicon?' (You can make one too!) Little did I know when I wrote about ‘thinspiration’ that there was an actual term for sidewinders and commentary that dings so deeply in the developmental recesses of kids’ minds. "Bodysnarking." Dare to share the body image stories that stuck in your childhood mental relay and lend a hand with a … [Read more...]