Spring Break 2010: Service Learning from Teens Turning Green

April 3, 2010 While media reports often churn out attention-getting stereotypes of spring break scenes of rowdy youth antics under the auspices of ‘what sells,’ to feed the money machine, we all too often don’t see the coverage of ‘alternate spring breaks’ and a major shift that’s taking hold in the cultural zeitgeist of service learning and youth. As I head out on spring … [Read more...]

Get ‘Em Outside! Shaping Youth Heads for The Hills

May 17, 2016 Between this post about children's sensory atrophy and the positive practices of Vitamin N...nature, I feel compelled to send another shoutout on Twitter to "Get 'Em Outside!" (video embedded below) Kids faces beam with energy and fun making informal learning a 'vitamin E' for environment+ education...all in show-n-tell hands-on form. The excitement is … [Read more...]