Oct. 21, 2009 What if I told you a few of my favorite advice slingers and youth analysis pros aren’t even parents at all? There’s Anastasia Goodstein of Ypulse speaking from the GenX pulpit (ok, her days are numbered; she’s about to go on maternity leave) and Courtney Macavinta of RespectRx...Along with wünderkind GenY entrepreneur and media machine Vanessa Van Petten, … [Read more...]
Josh in a Box: Helpful Advice For Parents of Teens!
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, People Shaping Youth, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth, Stereotypes & Diversity Tagged With: advice, advice slingers, Anastasia-Goodstein, as seen on TV, attention, be yourself, being labeled, branding, bullying, challenging, childhood, choices, cliques, core values, Dear Abby for teens, Digital, empowerment, foster parents, freak, free to be me, Gen X, Gen Y, generation, Global Fund for Women, healthy, Hey Josh for Grownups, Hey Josh!, Hey Josh.com, identity, In Her Shoes, influences, inspiring, Inspiring-Teens, Josh in a box, Josh Shipp, Jump Shipp, Kids, know who you are, labeling, marketing, Media-as-super-peer, Millenials, motivational speakers, MTV, negative labels, Odd Girl Out, outsider, parenting, Peer pressure, Preteen-Identity, pundits, punk, Radical Parenting, reality, relational aggression, relationships, Respect Rx, School Loop, teacup parenting, teens, teens and parents, troubled teens, vanessa van petten, verbal abuse, who am I?, YPulse
Grown Up Digital: Don Tapscott’s Latest On ‘Generation Net’

June 15, 2009 “A revolution doesn’t happen in society when you adopt new tools, a revolution in society happens when you adopt new behaviors.” That digital premise opens up the debate for the 21st century tug-o-war of perception between what Wikinomics author Don Tapscott of Grown Up Digital calls the ‘smartest generation’ and what his nemesis, Mark Bauerlein of Emery … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Advertising, Branding & Consumerism, Consumerism, Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Shaping Youth Tagged With: Academics, Amy-Jussel, behavioral shifts, born digital, core curriculum, core knowledge, cultural literacy, Daniel Brusilovsky, Digital, digital debates, digital-natives, Don Tapscott, edge.org, Gen Y, Generation Me, Generation-Digital, Generations, Growing Up Digital, Grown Up Digital, impending demise of the University, Josh Shipp, knowledge sharing, Mark Bauerlein, Max Marmer, Millenials, Net Generation, NetGen, NextNow Collaboratory, pedagogy, Plato and a platypus, Reason.com, school, smartest generation, taking it global, TakingITGlobal, teens in tech, The Dumbest Generation, The future of work, totally wired, Wikinomics, Wikipedia, Yes we did, YPulse
Young Innovators: Get Out of the Garage and Into the Marketplace!

Calling all social media wünderkind, changebloggers, and humanitarian twitterati and digerati of the millennial set (yes, this means you, Alex Steed) there’s ‘gold in them thar’ hills!’ (ok, that phrase comes from either a Yosemite Sam cartoon or a cowboy parody, but either way, it shows it’s in my lexicon, revealing I’m WAY too old to … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Branding & Consumerism, EcoKids-Environment, Emerging trends & STEM, Interactive Games, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, People Shaping Youth, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth, Viral & Buzz Media Tagged With: Advocates-for-youth, Alex Steed, Beth-Kanter, Cathy N. Davidson, changebloggers, Changemakers, Chris Brogan, Digital, Digital Media Learning, digital-natives, Digizens, DML, DML Competition, Grants, Hastac, Hastac Needle, Humanists, Humanitarians, Internships, Isis, MacArthur-Foundation, Media, Millenials, Millenials Changing America, NetSquared, NP Tech, participatory learning, Social citizens, Social entrepreneurs, social-media, YMR, Young Innovator Awards, Young Innovators, Youth Ideas, Youth Media Reporter, Youth Noise