Nov. 11, 2009 With the outpouring of sadness regarding Fort Hood, the scary statistics surfacing on PTSD and women soliders under 'friendly fire' from missles of a different kind, and work-family/depression conflicts, I figured it was high time for some GOOD news this Veteran's Day. Every year on Veteran’s Day, I dedicate my post to either my dad, Capt. A.R. Jussel (USN … [Read more...]
MyVetwork: Connecting The Digital Dots For Veterans Globally
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth, Stereotypes & Diversity Tagged With: Afghanistan, aid, Air Force, Amy-Jussel, armed forces, Army, assistance, brats our journey home, combat, deployed, depression, Desert Storm, Digital, Fort Hood, Freedom, healing, help, infantry, liberty, Marines, military, military brats, My Vetwork, MyVetwork, Navy, navy juniors, outreach, peace, post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, rape, servicemen, social network, social-media, soldiers, terrorism, the theater, therapeutic, trauma, TriCare for Life, troops, U.S. Veterans, unknown soldier, VA Hospitals, Veteran statistics, veterans, Veterans Day, veterans resources, Vietnam, Virtual Iraq, Virtual-Worlds, war, women soldiers, Yale study, yellow ribbon
Women and the Military: MyVetwork Launches Today!

Anyone who has been involved with the military community recognizes ‘active duty’ soldiers are only the most visible folks who serve... Kids, military moms and sisters of all sorts are included in our annual Veteran’s Day post honoring “all things girl” week on Shaping Youth, so I'm proud to announce the premiere of a brand new community just … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Advertising, Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Media Literacy, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth Tagged With: active duty, Air Force, All Things Girl, all things girl week, American Legion, AMVETS, Amy-Jussel, armed forces, Army, army wife talk radio, ATG, awol soldiers, base exchange, Beth Jussel, Beth R. Jussel, Birds Eye View, brats, brats our journey home, BX, civilians, color purple, combat, coming home project, Daughters, deployment, disabilities, female soldiers, females, finding lost friends, global citizens, honor, hospitals, John R. Campbell, Kids, life as a brat, locating people, Marines, MIA, military, military brats, military service, military wives, moms, My Vetwork, MyVetwork, Navy, NFCU, pinpoint view, purple heart, PX, reservists, resource hub, retired officer, servicemen, servicewomen, sisters, social network, social-media, soldiers, Stars and Stripes,, student veterans of America, support our troops, support veterans, troops, uniform, USAA, VA, valor, veterans, Veterans Day, vets4vets, VFW, women in the military, women who serve