June 16, 2010 Personal post today to welcome (in over 325 languages) Shaping Youth advisory board member Dr. Robyn Silverman’s new son into the world of global digital citizenship. Born: Mr. Noah Stone Silverman today at 8:25am - 7lbs 4oz. – 19” already making his premiere on Facebook, Twitter and Shaping Youth! What does this have to do with media and marketing’s impact … [Read more...]
Noah! Welcome to the Digital World, Baby! (PBS Early Learning)
Filed Under: EcoKids-Environment, Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Nutrition & Wellness, People Shaping Youth, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth Tagged With: achievement gap, Between the Lions, Brain Science, children, Digital, digital citizens, Dr. Robyn, Dr.-Robyn-Silverman, Early Learning, education, Education Nation, educators, Edutopia, emerging-technology, GLEF, John Boland, Kids Island, kindergarten, KQED, media-literacy, Noah Stone Silverman, parenting, PBS Education Network, PBS Kids, PBS Teachers, preschool, Raising Readers, ready at five, SEL, Sesame Street, Sid Science Kid, socio-emotional learning, SRI, STEM, SuperWhy, Symposium, teaching, tech, technology and youth, Tim Olson, zero to five
Stage-Crafting Politics: Media Literacy Tips for Kids
Aug. 22, 2016 Update Excellent post by Diana Graber at Cyberwise "What to Tell Kids When Adults Behave Badly" which sadly validates, via Southern Poverty Law Center, how we've unraveled 15 years of anti-bullying education in schools with the crass, raunchy bluster of our current political climate. See "The Trump Effect: The Impact of the Presidential Campaign on our … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Branding & Consumerism, Emerging trends & STEM, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth Tagged With: #DigCit, 2008 elections, 2016 elections kids, AMLA, Biden, Cable in the Classroom, Critical-thinking-skills, CyberCivics, decoding politics, DNC, Frank Baker, GOP, GovTweets, Kids Pick the President, Kids politics, Lights Camera Debate, Media circus, Media Literacy Clearinghouse, media-literacy, millenial voters, Mock Elections, Nonpartisan politics, Obama, PBS Teachers, Political campaigns, Scholastic Kids Reporters, social-media, Stage Crafting, Teaching the Conventions, Virtual Elections, youth mobilization, Youth politics, Youth Vote