How Can We Use Media To Gift Without Buying?

Update: Dec. 12, 2018 Open Call...for any and all ideas to give the gift of TIME to teachers, elders, family and friends and reduce consumption/increase heartfelt meaning in the process! Hit me up with your favorite finds and well-received, positive picks?  Dec. 16, 2015 Update For those who appreciated the post "Toy Joy vs Consumption Junction, or one of the original posts … [Read more...]

Money Management for Kids: Chores, Allowance & Digital Nagging

Part Two of our interview with PAYjr CEO David Jones includes one of the rarely used aspects of PAYjr's chore and allowance program (only 5% evidently) where parents can set up cell phone reminders for follow-through in cyber-nag style.Mind you, critics have cried foul that this is outsourcing parenting and discipline to tech gizmos, but frankly, I’m not one of ‘em. Nope. No … [Read more...]